International Patient Service
The International Patient Service, designed as a “one-stop” service center, offers a comprehensive range of services for international patients including:
- consultations and second opinions;
- diagnostic services and telemedicine
- billing and insurance
- travel and lodging arrangements and cultural mediation services
Phone: 0039 02 619116704
E-mail: international@auxologico.it
At Auxologico hospitals, inpatient stays can be performed in agreement with the National Health Service (SSN), or with a private healthcare scheme or with an insurance cover.
For further information about visiting times for relatives, active agreements, services for in-patients and visitors, release of clinical documentation, transfers from other hospitals, contact the relevant Hospital’s Admission Office:
- Auxologico Capitanio, Via Mercalli 28, Milan
- Auxologico Piancavallo, Strada Cadorna 90, Oggebbio (VB)
Each Department of the relevant hospital has a waiting list that takes due account of clinical and chronological priorities in terms of access to hospital admission.
The required documentation is the following:
- identity document (identity card or passport);
- fiscal code or STP code (Code for Foreigners Temporarily Present);
- Italian Health Insurance Card or Carta Regionale dei Servizi (Regional Card of Services) or European Health Insurance Card (EHIC);
- request by the General Practitioner
Auxologico is also operating according to a private scheme and has also made several agreements with insurance companies, funds, health insurance funds, health assistance funds, companies, CRALs (Employee Recreation Facilities) and other organizations.
For further details about active agreements, contact the Admission Office of the Hospital to which the patient will be admitted.
The required documentation is the following:
- identity document (identity card or passport)
- GOP (Gurantee of Payment from the Insurace Company)